API | Description |
GET openapi/staffmembers/{userIdentifier}/profile |
No documentation available. |
POST api/OpenApiStaffMemberProfile?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET clients |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Client?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET openapi/placementTest/{prospectId}/results |
No documentation available. |
GET openapi/v2/placementTest/{prospectId}/results |
No documentation available. |
POST api/OpenApiPlacementTest?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
PUT openapi/students/{userIdentifier}/profile |
No documentation available. |
GET openapi/students/{userIdentifier}/profile |
No documentation available. |
POST api/OpenApiStudentProfile?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
PUT classes/nonEncounters/results |
No documentation available. |
POST classes/nonEncounters/close |
No documentation available. |
GET classes/{classId}/classResults |
No documentation available. |
GET classes/{classId}/student/{userIdentifier}/classResults |
No documentation available. |
GET units/{unitId}/ratingSchema |
No documentation available. |
POST classes/{classId}/classPartialResults |
No documentation available. |
PUT classes/{classId}/classPartialResults |
No documentation available. |
PUT classes/{classId}/results |
No documentation available. |
POST api/ClassResult?classId={classId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/ClassResult?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET students/{userIdentifier}/registrations/current/contentItem |
No documentation available. |
GET contentitem/{contentitemId}/details |
No documentation available. |
GET contentItems/count/{contentItemId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/WseContentItem?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET students/{userIdentifier}/classCounter |
No documentation available. |
GET api/StudentClassCounter?userIdentifier={userIdentifier} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/StudentClassCounter?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET reports/digitalBooks/center/{centerId}?fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate} |
No documentation available. |
GET reports/digitalBooks/client/{navisionCode}?fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate} |
No documentation available. |
GET reports/digitalBooks/territory/{territoryId}?fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate} |
No documentation available. |
GET reports/digitalBooks/global?fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate} |
No documentation available. |
POST reports/digitalBooks/restarts |
No documentation available. |
POST api/DigitalBooksReports?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST workbooks/results |
No documentation available. |
POST api/WorkbookResult?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET zoomusers |
No documentation available. |
POST zoomusers |
No documentation available. |
POST zoomusers/delete |
No documentation available. |
POST api/ZoomUsers?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET openapi/students/{userIdentifier}/contracts/future/next?synchronizeUserData={synchronizeUserData} |
No documentation available. |
GET openapi/contract/{contractId}/currentlevel |
No documentation available. |
GET openapi/contract/{contractId}/currentUnit |
No documentation available. |
POST api/OpenApiRegistration?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET students/{studentIdentifier}/contentItems/{contentItemId}/canDos/results/failed |
No documentation available. |
POST api/CanDoResults?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST importpractice |
No documentation available. |
DELETE importpractice/{id} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/ImportPractice?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET walkthroughs/{isActive} |
No documentation available. |
GET walkthroughs/{id} |
No documentation available. |
POST walkthroughs |
No documentation available. |
PUT walkthroughs |
No documentation available. |
DELETE walkthroughs/{id} |
No documentation available. |
GET walkthroughs/languages/{isActive} |
No documentation available. |
GET walkthroughs/languages/{id} |
No documentation available. |
POST walkthroughs/languages |
No documentation available. |
PUT walkthroughs/languages |
No documentation available. |
DELETE walkthroughs/languages/{id} |
No documentation available. |
GET walkthroughs/user/{userIdentifier}/availablewalkthroughs |
No documentation available. |
POST walkthroughs/user/{userIdentifier}/status |
No documentation available. |
POST api/WalkThroughs?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET configSettings/{centerId} |
No documentation available. |
GET configSettings/{centerReferenceId}/technologyFlags |
No documentation available. |
GET configSettings/{centerId}/featureflags |
No documentation available. |
GET configSettings/{centerReferenceId}/IsB2BClassTypeValid |
No documentation available. |
POST api/CenterConfig?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET survey/{surveyId} |
Gets user survey questions. |
POST survey/set |
Saves user survey answers |
POST api/Survey?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST WarmUp/Trigger |
No documentation available. |
POST api/WarmUp?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST students/{userIdentifier}/disclaimerConfirmations/{courseId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Disclaimer?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST import/start |
No documentation available. |
GET import/status |
No documentation available. |
GET import/logs?Count={Count}&Offset={Offset} |
No documentation available. |
GET import/logs/current?Count={Count}&Offset={Offset} |
No documentation available. |
GET import/logs/{logName}?Count={Count}&Offset={Offset} |
No documentation available. |
POST import/placementTestContent |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Import?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET students/{studentIdentifier}/followUpActivities?Count={Count}&Offset={Offset} |
Retrievs follow up activities related with student. |
DELETE followUpActivities/{followUpActivityId} |
Removes follow up activity. |
POST followUpActivities |
Add follow up activity. |
PUT followUpActivities/{followUpActivityId} |
Update follow up activity. |
GET followUpActivities/{followUpActivityId} |
Returns follow up activity. |
GET followUpActivityTypes |
Retrievs follow up activity types. |
GET api/FollowUpActivity?studentIdentifier={studentIdentifier} |
No documentation available. |
DELETE api/FollowUpActivity?followUpActivityId={followUpActivityId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/FollowUpActivity |
No documentation available. |
POST api/FollowUpActivity?followUpActivityId={followUpActivityId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/FollowUpActivity?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET supportForm/definition |
No documentation available. |
POST supportForm/submit |
No documentation available. |
POST api/SupportForm?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET openapi/classes/{refClassId}/details |
No documentation available. |
POST openapi/classes/{refClassId}/book?carryOver={carryOver} |
No documentation available. |
DELETE openapi/classes/{refClassId}/students/{userIdentifier} |
No documentation available. |
GET openapi/user/{userReferenceId}/class/{refClassId}/joinurl |
No documentation available. |
GET openapi/classType/scheduled/teachersDetails?classType={classType} |
No documentation available. |
GET openapi/classes/{refClassId}/status |
No documentation available. |
POST openapi/classes/bookingDetails |
No documentation available. |
POST openapi/class/close |
No documentation available. |
GET openapi/class/{refClassId}/students/pendingEncounterResults |
No documentation available. |
GET openapi/class/{refClassId}/results |
No documentation available. |
POST api/OpenApiClass?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST openapi/users/{userIdentifier}/profile/photo |
No documentation available. |
PUT openapi/users/{userIdentifier}/profile/photo |
No documentation available. |
GET openapi/students/{userIdentifier}/activities?sortInfo.SortBy={sortInfo.SortBy}&sortInfo.Direction={sortInfo.Direction}&paginationInfo.Count={paginationInfo.Count}&paginationInfo.Offset={paginationInfo.Offset}&dateRangeFilter.FromDate={dateRangeFilter.FromDate}&dateRangeFilter.ToDate={dateRangeFilter.ToDate}&classTypes[0]={classTypes[0]}&classTypes[1]={classTypes[1]} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/OpenApiUser?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET SnbInitialisation/{type} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/SnbInitialisation?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET PlacementTestContent |
No documentation available. |
GET PrePlacementTestContent |
No documentation available. |
GET placementTest/{prospectId}/results |
No documentation available. |
POST placementTest/{prospectId}/results?prospectResultStatus={prospectResultStatus}&settledLevelId={settledLevelId}&isPlacementTestTimeOut={isPlacementTestTimeOut} |
No documentation available. |
POST placementTest/{prospectId}/started |
No documentation available. |
POST prospect/{prospectId}/placementtesttimer?timeRemaining={timeRemaining} |
No documentation available. |
POST prePlacementTest/{prospectId}/result |
No documentation available. |
GET preplacementTest/{prospectId}/result |
No documentation available. |
POST api/PlacementTest?prospectId={prospectId}&prospectResultStatus={prospectResultStatus}&settledLevelId={settledLevelId}&isPlacementTestTimeOut={isPlacementTestTimeOut} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/PlacementTest?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
Web API Controller for a User.
API | Description |
GET v2/users/{userIdentifier}/state |
Gets the User's state information. |
GET users/{userIdentifier}/state |
Gets the User's state information. |
GET users/{userIdentifier}/sessions |
Gets the user sessions asynchronous. |
PUT users/{userIdentifier}/activity/set |
No documentation available. |
GET students?ssdsIds[0]={ssdsIds[0]}&ssdsIds[1]={ssdsIds[1]} |
Get list of students by ssds ids. |
GET users/{userIdentifier}/role |
Return user's role using his id |
GET centers/{centerId}/staffMembers |
Returns staff members by center id.. |
GET users/socialnetworks |
Function returns social networks. |
GET users/nationalities |
Function returns nationalities. |
GET users/motivations |
Function returns motivations. |
GET users/languages |
Function returns languages. |
GET users/professions |
Function returns professions. |
GET users/me |
No documentation available. |
GET users/classresults/{userIdentifier}?levelNumber={levelNumber} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/User?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
PUT classes/encounters/results |
No documentation available. |
POST classes/encounters/close |
No documentation available. |
DELETE encounterResults/{contentItemResultId} |
No documentation available. |
GET {studentId}/isEligibleForEncounterSurvey |
No documentation available. |
POST api/EncounterResult |
No documentation available. |
POST api/EncounterResult?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET openapi/students/{userIdentifier}/units/{unitId}/lessonssummaries |
No documentation available. |
GET openapi/students/{userIdentifier}/levelSummaries?direction={direction}&Count={Count}&Offset={Offset}&level={level} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/OpenApiGradebook?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST student/class/recommendation |
No documentation available. |
POST student/online/recommendation |
No documentation available. |
GET student/{studentId}/class/recommendation |
No documentation available. |
POST api/StudentRecommendation?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
Web API Controller for a Course.
API | Description |
GET courses/{id}/contentItems?ancestorCategoryId={ancestorCategoryId}&typeId={typeId}&SortBy={SortBy}&Direction={Direction} |
Gets the ContentItem Ids for a course. |
GET categories/{id} |
Gets category by id. |
GET categories/{id}/children?SortBy={SortBy}&Direction={Direction} |
Gets all children of a given category. |
GET categories/{id}/descendents?depth={depth}&SortBy={SortBy}&Direction={Direction} |
Gets all descendants of a specific degree of a given category. |
POST api/Course?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET onboardingcontents |
No documentation available. |
GET onboardingcontents/active |
No documentation available. |
DELETE onboardingcontents/{id} |
No documentation available. |
POST onboardingcontents |
No documentation available. |
PUT onboardingcontents |
No documentation available. |
GET onboardingcontents/{id} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Onboarding?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET territories/{territoryId}/popularNativeLanguages |
Function returns popular native languages for territory. |
GET territories/{territoryId}/popularNationalities |
Function returns popular nationalities for territory. |
GET territories/{territoryId}/popularMotivations |
Function returns popular motivations for territory. |
GET territories/{territoryId}/popularSecondaryLanguages |
Function returns popular secondary languages for territory. |
GET territories/{territoryId}/popularProfessions |
Function returns popular professions for territory. |
GET centers/{centerId}/territory |
Get territory by center id. |
GET territories |
No documentation available. |
PUT territory/preferredlanguage |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Territory?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET classes/{ssdsClassId}/details |
No documentation available. |
GET classes/{ssdsClassId}/details/refresh |
No documentation available. |
POST classes/{classId}/book?carryOver={carryOver} |
No documentation available. |
DELETE classes/{classId}/students/{studentIdentifier} |
No documentation available. |
POST classes/rebook?carryOver={carryOver} |
No documentation available. |
GET class/{ssdsClassId}/anybookedstudents |
No documentation available. |
GET class/{refClassId}/joinurl |
No documentation available. |
GET class/{refClassId}/studentaccesseddetails |
No documentation available. |
GET class/student/{userIdentifier}/predictedDetails |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Class?ssdsClassId={ssdsClassId}&source={source} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Class?classId={classId}&studentId={studentId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Class |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Class?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET categories/{categoryId}/descendants |
No documentation available. |
POST api/WseCategory?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET centers/{centerId}/availableClassType |
No documentation available. |
POST api/ClassType?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET paths/{categoryId} |
Gets complete path information given the path id(Guid). |
POST api/Path?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET students/{userIdentifier}/contracts/future/next?synchronizeUserData={synchronizeUserData} |
No documentation available. |
POST contracts/job |
No documentation available. |
GET contract/{contractId}/currentlevel |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Registration?userIdentifier={userIdentifier}&synchronizeUserData={synchronizeUserData} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Registration |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Registration?contractId={contractId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Registration?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST migration/deadletters/save |
No documentation available. |
POST migration/deadletters/saveAndClear |
No documentation available. |
GET migration/deadletters/{year}/{month} |
No documentation available. |
GET migration/deadletters/{fileName}/report |
No documentation available. |
GET migration/deadletters/{fileName} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Deadletter?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET users/{userIdentifier}/reminders |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Reminder?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
PUT students/{userIdentifier}/goals |
No documentation available. |
POST students/{userIdentifier}/goals/{goalId} |
No documentation available. |
POST students/{userIdentifier}/goals/{goalId}/hide |
No documentation available. |
GET students/{userIdentifier}/goals?sortInfo.SortBy={sortInfo.SortBy}&sortInfo.Direction={sortInfo.Direction}&paginationInfo.Count={paginationInfo.Count}&paginationInfo.Offset={paginationInfo.Offset} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/StudentGoal?userIdentifier={userIdentifier} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/StudentGoal?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
PUT activity/import |
No documentation available. |
POST api/ImportActivity?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST companies |
No documentation available. |
GET companies?query={query} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Company?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET health |
No documentation available. |
POST api/HealthCheck?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST {userIdentifier}/NotifiedStandbyNotification/{notificationId}/NotificationType/{standbyNotificationType} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Notification?userIdentifier={userIdentifier}¬ificationId={notificationId}&standbyNotificationType={standbyNotificationType} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Notification?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
PUT students/{userIdentifier}/profile |
No documentation available. |
GET students/{userIdentifier}/profile |
No documentation available. |
POST api/StudentProfile?userIdentifier={userIdentifier} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/StudentProfile?userIdentifier={userIdentifier} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/StudentProfile?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
PUT staffmembers/{userIdentifier}/profile |
No documentation available. |
GET staffmembers/{userIdentifier}/profile |
No documentation available. |
GET staffmembers/{userIdentifier}/limitedProfile |
No documentation available. |
GET api/StaffMemberProfile?userIdentifier={userIdentifier} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/StaffMemberProfile?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET openapi/bookedClasses/{bookedClassId}/materialsAssignments/{studentReferenceId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/OpenApiMaterial?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET jira/forms |
No documentation available. |
POST jira/raiseaticket/userid/{userid} |
No documentation available. |
POST jira/raiseaticket/{issuekey}/attachment |
No documentation available. |
POST api/JiraServiceDesk?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST crm/centers/{centerId}/prospects/{prospectId}/retakePlacementTest |
No documentation available. |
POST api/CrmProspect?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST students/{userIdentifier}/privacyPolicyApprove |
No documentation available. |
POST api/PrivacyPolicy?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET students/{studentIdentifier}/units/{unitId}/lessonssummaries |
No documentation available. |
GET students/{studentIdentifier}/unitssummaries?direction={direction}&Count={Count}&Offset={Offset} |
No documentation available. |
GET students/{studentIdentifier}/levelSummaries?direction={direction}&Count={Count}&Offset={Offset}&level={level} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Gradebook?studentIdentifier={studentIdentifier}&unitId={unitId} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/Gradebook?studentIdentifier={studentIdentifier}&direction={direction}&level={level} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Gradebook?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
Category controller.
API | Description |
GET categories/roots?maxDepth={maxDepth} |
Gets descendant categories of roots up to given depth. |
GET students/{userIdentifier}/courseCategories/roots?maxDepth={maxDepth} |
Gets descendant categories of roots up to given depth available to student. |
POST api/Category?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET openapi/students/{userIdentifier}/goals?sortInfo.SortBy={sortInfo.SortBy}&sortInfo.Direction={sortInfo.Direction}&paginationInfo.Count={paginationInfo.Count}&paginationInfo.Offset={paginationInfo.Offset} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/OpenApiStudentGoal?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST StudentProgressReport |
No documentation available. |
POST api/StudentProgressReport?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
Web API Controller for a Content Item.
API | Description |
GET contentItems?courseId={courseId}&ancestorCategoryId={ancestorCategoryId}&typeId={typeId}&sortInfo.SortBy={sortInfo.SortBy}&sortInfo.Direction={sortInfo.Direction}&paginationInfo.Count={paginationInfo.Count}&paginationInfo.Offset={paginationInfo.Offset} |
Gets content items |
GET contentItems/{id}?includeHierarchy={includeHierarchy} |
Gets a content item and (optionaly) its hierarchy. |
GET contentItemTypes/{contentItemType}/resultTypes |
Returns list of result types for concrete content item type. |
GET staffmembers/{userIdentifier}/center/students/encounterNoShow |
Returns list of lasts encounters for each student for concrete center with status 'no show' |
GET categories/{categoryId}/contentItemTypes/{contentItemType}/firstContentItem |
Get first content item from category with given content item type. |
GET contentItem/{contentItemId}/isFirstMiniCycleStep |
No documentation available. |
POST api/ContentItem?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST digitalBooks/logs/initalize/{studentIdentifier} |
No documentation available. |
POST registrations/{registrationId}/offerType/initalize |
No documentation available. |
POST api/AdminPanel?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET students/{studentIdentifier}/digitalBooksAccess |
No documentation available. |
POST students/{studentIdentifier}/digitalBooksAccess |
No documentation available. |
POST api/StudentDigitalBooks?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET connectionMaintaining/keepConnectionOpen |
No documentation available. |
POST api/ConnectionMaintaining?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET migrationDashboard/monitorSubscription |
No documentation available. |
POST api/MigrationDashboard?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET students/{userIdentifier}/nextStep |
No documentation available. |
GET students/{userIdentifier}/IsStudyPlannerAvailable |
No documentation available. |
GET students/{userIdentifier}/studentAvailableFeatures |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Dashboard?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET studentprogress/goal/{goalId}/details |
No documentation available. |
GET studentprogress/registration/{registrationId}/bannerresults |
No documentation available. |
PUT studentprogress/registration/{registrationId}/class/{classId}/unit/{unitId} |
No documentation available. |
GET studentprogress/registration/{registrationId}/skill/{skillName}/details?fieldsInclude={fieldsInclude} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/StudentProgress?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET sail/students/{userIdentifier}/profile |
No documentation available. |
GET sail/staffmembers/{userIdentifier}/profile |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Sail?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET students/{userIdentifier}/PlannedActivities |
No documentation available. |
GET students/{userIdentifier}/UnitDetails/{unitNumber} |
No documentation available. |
POST students/{userIdentifier}/Unit/{unitId} |
No documentation available. |
POST students/{userIdentifier}/studyplanner/updateflag?studyPlanFlagType={studyPlanFlagType} |
No documentation available. |
PUT students/{userIdentifier}?startDate={startDate} |
No documentation available. |
PUT students/{userIdentifier}/studyPlanType?planType={planType} |
No documentation available. |
GET api/StudyPlanner?userIdentifier={userIdentifier} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/StudyPlanner?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
PUT openapi/centers/{centerId}/prospects/{prospectId} |
No documentation available. |
POST openapi/crm/centers/{centerId}/prospects |
No documentation available. |
GET openapi/centers/{centerId}/prospects?sortInfo.SortBy={sortInfo.SortBy}&sortInfo.Direction={sortInfo.Direction}&paginationInfo.Count={paginationInfo.Count}&paginationInfo.Offset={paginationInfo.Offset}&searchPhrase={searchPhrase}&companyId={companyId} |
No documentation available. |
GET openapi/prospects/{prospectIdentifier}/details |
No documentation available. |
PUT openapi/prospects/{prospectIdentifier}/privacyPolicy/accept |
No documentation available. |
POST api/OpenApiProspect?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET users/{userIdentifier}/practice/recommendations?practiceId={practiceId}&loadCount={loadCount} |
No documentation available. |
GET users/{userIdentifier}/practices |
No documentation available. |
POST api/Practice?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST xapi/set |
Parses the post data for XAPI json elements and udpates the respective data. Passes the rest of the information to LRS |
POST xapi/state/set/{userId}/{actId} |
No documentation available. |
GET xapi/state/get/{userId}/{actId} |
No documentation available. |
POST xapi/statement/set/{userId}/{objId} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/XAPI?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST MobileAppCompatibility |
No documentation available. |
PUT MobileAppCompatibility |
No documentation available. |
DELETE MobileAppCompatibility/{applicationId} |
No documentation available. |
POST checkcompatibility |
No documentation available. |
GET compatibilities/{platformName}/{appVersion} |
No documentation available. |
GET MobileAppCompatibility |
No documentation available. |
GET MobileAppCompatibility/{id} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/MobileAppCompatibility?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET center/{centerId}/weeklybookingcount?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}&classTypes[0]={classTypes[0]}&classTypes[1]={classTypes[1]} |
No documentation available. |
GET center/{centerId}/weekCount?classDate={classDate}&classTypes[0]={classTypes[0]}&classTypes[1]={classTypes[1]} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/SupportFeature?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET users/{userIdentifier}/workbooks/current |
No documentation available. |
POST users/{userIdentifier}/workbooks/current/complete |
No documentation available. |
POST api/CurrentWorkbook?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST contentItemResult |
No documentation available. |
GET students/{userIdentifier}/categoryDescendents/{categoryId}/results |
No documentation available. |
POST api/ActivityResult?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST practice/{userIdentifier}/result |
No documentation available. |
POST api/PracticeResult?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
GET reports/classes/booked?fromDate={fromDate}&toDate={toDate} |
No documentation available. |
GET reports/results/pending |
No documentation available. |
POST api/StudentsReport?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST students/{studentId}/Category/{categoryId}/featureFlag/{growthbookfeatureFlagType} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/FeatureFlag?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST externalspeech |
No documentation available. |
POST v2/externalspeech |
No documentation available. |
POST api/ExternalSpeech?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST migration/comparisonReport |
No documentation available. |
POST migration/comparisonReport/csv |
No documentation available. |
POST api/ComparisonReport?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST students/{userIdentifier}/contentItems/{contentItemId}/moveBookmark |
No documentation available. |
POST student/{studentId}/reset/bookmark |
No documentation available. |
POST api/BookmarkTool?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST openApi/followUpActivities/student/{userIdentifier} |
No documentation available. |
PUT openApi/followUpActivities/{followUpActivityId} |
No documentation available. |
DELETE openApi/followUpActivities/{followUpActivityId} |
No documentation available. |
GET openApi/students/{userIdentifier}/followUpActivities?Count={Count}&Offset={Offset} |
No documentation available. |
POST api/OpenApiFollowUpActivity?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST api/Base?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST api/WseBase?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST api/PlacementTestOutcome |
No documentation available. |
API | Description |
POST api/WseBaseProspect?fileName={fileName} |
No documentation available. |